We have developed a commercial air purification filter product for biological filtration.
How Does it Work?
• Air is drawn into the air purifier at low level passing through 3 stages of filter via an integral fan unit and discharged back into the room at high level.
• Components encased in a furniture finish portable steel casing.
Filters are the heart of the system:
• Primary combined activated carbon to adsorb odours and dust
• Deep bed hi-efficiency medium stage module
• Final HEPA type filter to capture airborne biological matter such as that of the COVID-19.
Integral Fan
• Centrifugal in line fan with manual speed selector that allows adjustment to compensate for filter increased pressure.
Specific Filter Performance
• Primary roughing combined activated carbon element is of G4 grade to EN779:2012
• High efficiency medium stage deep bed filter of M9/F9 grade to EN779:2012
• HEPA H13 with MPPS 99.95% efficiency biological grade filter to EN779:2012. HEPA H14 at MPPS 99.995% efficiency available on request.
HEPA filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) can capture at least 99.97% of particles with a diameter greater than or equal to 0.3m.
They can filter out impurities and particles in the air, such as viruses, respirable dust, mites eggs and excretions, mould, dust, allergens, pollen, bacteria, dust mites or cigarette smoke, asbestos, various toxic dusts and aerosols from the air, dander, allergens from the fur of dogs or cats.
Here are the different levels of HEPA filters: (The higher the number following “HEPA”, the higher the level of filtration is optimum.)
- HEPA H14: pass up 0.005% of 0.1 micron particles per liter of air.
- HEPA H13: pass up 0.05% of 0.1 micron particles per liter of air.
HEPA filters are made from fibre glass or filter paper and form mini folds to increase the filter surface. They have the ability to retain the microparticles with a scattering effect, capturing particles and slowing inertia.